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Sep 22, 202410 min read
Taking Back Your Voice: Why Survivors Should Tell Their Stories
"Why do you talk about it so much?" I used to hear that question, usually from detractors. "You must be bitter." "Do you know how to...
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Mar 26, 20247 min read
Examining Bill Gothard's Teaching on Defrauding from 1 Thes 4:3-8.
We sat in the living room together, having “family worship”. My dad opened his Bible and told us all to open to 1 Thessalonians 4. We...
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Dec 12, 20238 min read
Why Healthy? (For All Of Us Who Are Not)
When you hear healthy, what comes to mind? Vegetables? Yeah, me too. That’s not the kind of healthy I’m referring to, and we need to have...
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Jul 21, 202315 min read
What Should She Not Do: A Biblical Critique of Jay Adams' Article "What Should She Do."
Jay E. Adams—the father of the nouthetic (Biblical) counseling movement, has a history of horrible of Bible interpretation, but the...
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Jul 5, 20231 min read
Vengeance is Mine
Tonight is one of those nights where my mind is locked in a vicious cycle, replaying the fear and confusion I felt, driving home from...
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Jul 5, 20233 min read
To All of Those Who Don't Think It's Their Problem
In the book of 1 Samuel, there is a story about 2 sons of the high priest, Eli. Their names were Hophni and Phineas. The chronicler...
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Communion Part 1: What Do You Remember?
“Joyfully we join you at your table.” The lyrics to Syke Peterson’s new song, Keep the Feast , caught me off guard and drew me into...
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Taking Back Your Voice: Why Survivors Should Tell Their Stories
"Why do you talk about it so much?" I used to hear that question, usually from detractors. "You must be bitter." "Do you know how to...
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Preach the Gospel, die, and be forgotten
Last year, I subjected my roommate to watching the extended cut of all three Lord of the Rings movies. At 81 years old, Joan said she had...
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